
Kuidas tööle kandideerides eristuda?

Kuidas tööle kandideerides eristuda? Värbamistöös olen kogenud mitmeid huvitavaid, kuid ka kummalisi juhtumeid. Näiteks, kord üritati mulle videointervjuu käigus tulevikku ennustada! Jah, pean tunnistama, et sellised olukorrad on küll hästi meelde jäänud, kuid kandidaadile töökohta siiski mitte taganud. Tänase teemana mõtlesin, et toon teile mõned praktilised soovitused, mis aitavad kandideerimisel silma paista. Hea tuju ja

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Kuhu küll on kadunud kõik ‘säravad’ kandidaadid?

Kuhu küll on kadunud kõik ‘säravad’ kandidaadid? “Inge-Helene?! Kust ma leian rõõmsa, motiveeritud ja minu ettevõttest huvitunud inimese? Palun leia need inimesed…ma ei tea, kus nad on!” – Just nii küsis minult mõnda aega tagasi üks tööandja. Pealkiri võib tunduda intrigeeriv, kuid selles küsimuses peitub tõetera. Juba mõnda aega on Eesti tööturg minu hinnangul nagu

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30 suggestions to enrich your working life routine

30 suggestions to enrich your work life When your work life is in a rut, stress levels are high and everything seems grey, it's time to do something about it! These moments do happen in working life - not all days are the same, some are harder than others. But it's not normal to be in this situation for a long period of time.

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Effective communication is the foundation of successful communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful communication One very important skill that seems commonplace to all of us is actually not so obvious - it is good communication. Sometimes, a single mis-spoken word or phrase can lead to a series of problems that become much more difficult to solve later. That's why it's important that we express our thoughts as clearly as possible - both verbally and in writing.

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How to find free training?

How to find free training? New knowledge can give you fresh ideas and help you see things from a different perspective. Whether it's a job, a hobby or a hobby that you're interested in, it's always worth looking around carefully and exploring the different options. While people often think that attending training is a relatively expensive process, there are in fact a lot of free opportunities, which we often take advantage of.

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Study abroad?

Study abroad? Just as you can see from the picture, that's exactly how happy and excited I was in the summer of 2015, graduating with a BA in Journalism from the University of South Wales. Last year, I was approached by a number of young people with dreams of studying abroad. Today, I thought I'd put down some thoughts that might help you in the future for anyone else interested in the subject. About

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How to prepare for a job interview?

How to prepare for a job interview? When we set the stage for a job interview, a lot of thoughts go through our minds. Am I prepared enough, what should I talk about? how it will all go and ... when will it finally end? Yes, most of us have been to a job interview and one thing I am sure of is that no one is left out in the cold. It's the topic of conversation with family and friends, it's

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Where has our ability to dream gone?

Where has our ability to dream gone? I was walking by the sea yesterday and thought about this. I have attended many job interviews as a recruiter and talked to people through career guidance sessions. Often I see that many people have lost the ability to dream and look to the future. Is this true for you? It seems to me that the fast pace of life, the routine, the constant stress and the societal

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